
The Green Beast

I was probably just gone four when I rode the The Green Beast to school to for the first time but I can’t really remember whether my memories come from four, five or six years old. We used to go to Aunty Eunice’s kindergarten class in the mornings with our snacks packed into hard plastic…

Easter Feasts

Yesterday our youngest Bean asked me what Easter was about and when I explained, a penny dropped. Ohhhhhhh she exclaimed, is that why there’s a cross on a hot cross bun? And right there a 12 year old’s mind was blown. Dots were connected and revelation fell like a tombstone being rolled away. On a…

Kite Season

We were usually in the garden but sometimes on the warm flat brick roof of the house scanning the skies for kites cut loose from their owners, floating freely, lazily down over roads and gardens when we heard the shouts of paTaang! paTaang! As soon as the shout went up from one of the neighbourhood…

When the President met the Veep

Age is a nebulous changeable thing when it comes to memories. I had to look this one up on the Internet to find out when it was and how old I was because in my mind eye, I was just small. A non-descript, non-specified age called Small. Turns out that age of Small was actually…


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The Memories Project

Memories are emotional, evocative, collective, subjective, easily lost but treasured when found. This a blog for people to share the precious memories, the good, the bad and the hilarious. Our hope is it will stir you, move you, bring you joy, laughter and hope for the future. Happy reading. We’d love to hear your thoughts, please keep the comments clean and respectful.

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